PROJECT Page | KGB2 Docs | KGB Docs
Welcome to KGB - the Game Building Library
Well, it seems that we'll never get any webpage designed, so I'll just put up this page so people can see that we're still active (well, to be honest - we are currently just me:)). I've started work on the total rewrite of KGB, and I think this time it will become even better. Currently there are no working stuff (like demos and such), as I am still doing the basic stuff (I don't even have sprite-handling in there yet). I'll try to keep you updated on what's happening though. As I am still working on the basics, now's the chance to get your feet wet and start to collaborate:) Have fun (and remember, you're invited to check out the kgb2 module from cvs to take a look at what's going on)
PROJECT Page | KGB2 Docs | KGB Docs

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